• News

    The rise of phishing scams at the time of Yuga Labs’s launch

    Время чтения: 2 мин

    Amid the hype surrounding the launch of the metaverse from the creators of BAYC, Malwarebytes Labs released a report in which they talked about a significant increase in phishing airdrops.
    Airdrop phishing technique
    Airdrop phishing is becoming increasingly popular among crypto and non-fungible token (NFT) fraudsters, according to cyber security experts.

    Airdrops are a vital marketing tactic for […]

  • News

    “Cyber Future 22:22”: Dubai conference on Metaverses

    Время чтения: < 1 минуты

    On September 5, 2022, the Address Sky View Hotel will host the “Cyber Future 22:22” conference, which will focus on the world of metaverses.

    AAM Worldwide Investments, Alexey Maznichenko’s investment fund, is conducting the conference.

    Platinum Sponsor of the Event Metaverse SPHERE 22:22

    Over 1,000 people from 32 nations will be immersed in the future’s ambiance, learning new […]

  • News

    Kraken announces a gasless NFT marketplace

    Время чтения: 2 мин

    Another cryptocurrency exchange has announced the establishment of the NFT marketplace. On May 3, Kraken opened an entry on the project’s waitlist.
    The market is replenished with competitors
    According to the company’s releases, the new Kraken marketplace will exempt customers from paying gas fees for NFT sales and transfers. A built-in rarity tool and compatibility with the […]

  • News

    The WSJ reports the NFT collapse, although the data suggest not

    Время чтения: 2 мин

    According to WSJ sources, the NFT market is “collapsing,” despite others’ data demonstrating structural support. Who is precise in their estimation?

    In the same week when the top five collections alone accounted for over $1 billion in primary and secondary sales, a Wall Street Journal article stated that sales of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are “flatlining.”

    According to […]