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The World’s Largest Virtual Land Sale: A new sale has made a metaverse record, as a financial publishing company dumps 5 million plots of land in a little-known metaverse.

Curzio Research, a financial publishing company, recently stated that it has purchased a large plot of virtual land in a metaverse TCG World. They paid $5 million for the estate. The previous record-holder, who spent $4.3 million for a piece in the Sandbox, was blown away.

TCG World is a relatively unknown name in the metaverse. This did not appear to bother the virtual land bidder, Curzio Research. The company has acquired 19 commercial real estate parcels in TCG’s metaverse. The $5 million acquisition consists of 12 City 128m × 128m plots and 7 City 256m x 256m plots.

It will be the largest virtual land sale ever, according to Curzio Research. TCG will get cash in addition to Curzio Research security tokens in exchange. The tokens represent a share of the company’s equity.

A True Open Metaverse

“The metaverse is what the internet was supposed to be. A decentralized, permissionless place where individuals have the freedom to create and own their digital content. When researching the options, TCG World had all the elements – gamification, entertainment, social, and commerce – to create a true open metaverse. And its low fee structure incentivizes innovation for users and developers. We’re happy to be part of this pro-growth model in an industry that has incredible upside potential,” added Frank Curzio, one of America’s most respected stock experts and the Curzio Research CEO.

TCG World’s Asia area has been picked by Curzio Research to set up a shop near WallStreetBets in this area. Curzio VIP members and other investors can gather here. Members may also participate in educational seminars, listen to exclusive Wall Street Unplugged podcasts, attend live events, and even build a community for investments and other projects.

Curzio expects its offices to be completed in time for the formal debut of TCG World. This event scheduled for September 2022.

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