NFTs motivate to clean the planet of plastic
The sustainability-oriented marketplace Plastiks has partnered with Spanish start-up Gravity Waves to clean up the world from plastic with the help of NFTs.
Sustainable NFTs
Plastiks was created in early 2022 by Nozama, a London-based sustainability technology business, with the goal of creating a marketplace where global recyclers could convert invoice data into NFTs. On the platform, an NFT is generated, validating a certain amount of recycled plastic.
The NFT platform’s founders believe that their concept will serve to encourage all participants in the plastic recycling process. According to Plastiks, processors, producers, and consumers will all benefit from an extra source of revenue. At the present, collecting plastic is only rewarded based on the amount of material collected. The startup anticipates that NFT collectors will join in the trade while also benefiting the environment.
“Plastiks exists to give visibility to all the actors involved in the waste management value chain and, at the same time, encourage and compensate them for their important work at each stage.” – said Fernanda Accorsi, Marketing Director at Nozama-Plastics.
The company’s one-of-a-kind solution will allow it to take a step toward cleansing the environment of harmful waste generated by single-use plastics (SUPs) while also encouraging recyclers by allowing them to trade NFTs.
Collaboration in the interests of the planet
The second participant of the project, the environmental startup Gravity Wave, is engaged in the manufacture of various plastic products, which they also extract from the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea. The company is ready to go further and create valuable digital products (non-fungible tokens) from the collected plastic.
Gravity Wave will certify the plastics recovered during clean-up activities using Plastiks NFTs. Gravity Wave has highlighted that it believes NFTs may be an important tool for engaging consumers and motivating the public to trust in the recycling process, which is a step in the right way.
Álvaro García, head of alliances and business development at Gravity Wave, says she is confident in the effectiveness of such a project:
“ Without a doubt, we believe in the effectiveness of the use of NFTs, backed in turn by Blockchain technology and smart contracts, is a fantastic and innovative way to certify plastic recovery.” – García comments.
Gravity Wave and Plastiks are working together on the NFT project, and they are both participating in each other’s initiatives. Plastiks, for example, is poised to join Gravity Wave’s “Plastics Free Ocean” commitment, joining nearly 50 other firms interested in this effort.
Gravity Wave has committed to investing the proceeds from NFT sales towards the recovery of plastics from the sea by growing its army of plastic fishermen across the Mediterranean.
Plastiks and Gravity Wave have begun an innovative collaboration with NFTs. If everything goes as planned, joint collaboration has the potential to make our planet a better and more liveable environment.